Day: 1 June 2016 (Page 1 of 2)

Blog #11

In third term I am proud that my achievement mark in math improved, I am also proud of the paragraph wheel, and my clay tile.


In math we learned pre-algebra, tax, commission, and geometry. In pre-algebra we studied all sorts of different signs and what they meant. In tax and commission we learned how to add tax and the interest people had to pay. Basically in tax (and commission, interest) we learned how to add percentages. In geometry we learned about parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines. We also learned about the different angles. In math I am also proud that my achievement mark has improved, which means I might get an A.


I am proud of the paragraph wheel because Sarah, Rainbow, and I worked really hard on that. On the paragraph wheel I am most proud of the decorations and the drawings we put in the middle. We put Belly Up and our names even though we kind of ruined it with glitter, but I still like it.


I am proud of my clay tile because I think the colors I put together kind of match. I liked working on the clay tile because it was fun glazing and carving the stuff into the clay. It was also a major part of art.


Term 3 is a term I am proud of.

Blog #11: What i’m proud of this term

The one thing I’m proud of this term is, finishing lit circles because I feel like I can easily under-stand books now.           It was hard but as we went through, it got harder like doing two books in one week it was hard and we had to choose mature reads like Hunger games but I think it has improved our vocabulary. Lit circles have improved my grades in reading and oral language.  I am really happy in how this turned out and I’m happy going to grade 6 with a easy understanding of hard work.

Blog Post #11 The things I’m proud of in Term 3

There are a few things that I really wanted to improve in Term 3 and here are some that I did. First of all I wanted to get in better shape and I did it by exercising more and I also started training soccer and I have 2 practices a week. Then the second thing that I wanted to improve are my grades, I want to have 4 A’s or more and no C’s or lower. Last Term I didn’t get any C’s or lower but I only got 3 A’s. And I was disappointed to see that. I improved my score on tests and homework and things like that by listening and paying more attention in class, reading a lot more books, and studying more. And those were the things that I was proud in Term 3.

Blog #10 Special items

If I had three minutes to pack+ evacuate, special items, I would bring money because I would need money to buy some things that can be replaced, also I would buy things that are helpful, like a charger because without the charger for my iPhone, it wouldn’t turn on. Second, I would also bring one of my stuffed bears that my grandma gave me because it is a special item that can never be replaced, also, that stuffed bear reminds me of my grandma and all the things we did together and it feels like she was here. Third, I would bring my iPhone because it would be very difficult to buy another iPhone; also, it has lots of photos of when I was small and when my grandparents were with me. Finally, I would bring my passport because I could go to another place where there isn’t a fire or I could just go back to my country but only if there is no fire there.


If I had 3 minutes to pack and evacuate, the special things I would pack are…
My handmade pillow: I would pack this because I’ve had this ever since I was a toddler. Everywhere I go my pillow has to come with me, but not to school or to the mall or anywhere outside of home for that matter because I wouldn’t want people to think I’m crazy or something. My Tablet: I would pack this because even though there won’t be any WiFi if we evacuated, but I still be able to play the games and listen to the music that I have downloaded. Another reason I’d pack this is because dispite the fact that I won’t be able charge it, I need to have something to listen to while I sleep, it helps me fall asleep.My water-bottle: Of course I have to take this because without water you would not be able to survive. Water is important, just like food without it you would die of dehydration and water, even though it is a liquid, it fills you up better than food. Those are the most important and special things I would pack for evacuation.

Blog #6

The best thing that happened to me in term 2 is that when the class got to watch “Star Wars the force awakens” in Silver city. It was he best experience of my life. Everyone got popcorn and a drink. The movie was really thrilling. The plot twists were really unexpected just like when Han Solo was killed by Kylo Ren/Han Solo’s son. When Han Solo died i could see that my friends were really shocked by just looking at their face. “Star Wars The Force Awakens” was the best movie i have ever seen, plus i got to watch it with my friends.

journal entry #8 re-post 2

If someone new came to my community I would try to make them feel welcomed first. I would bring them to the places that are like the little park I live by or Bonsor. If they liked to go skating I would take them to Bill Complend Sports Center (where I sometimes practice my figure skating) and teach them how to skate. I have went to Bill Complend Sports Center since I was five. I started skating blades one there.

If they went to the same school I did, I would try to be their friends at school also. I might take them to play at my house because then we can play and get to know each other better. I want other people to include the newcomer, too.

The most important part is that the newcomer can find a place to fit into the community. I might take then around the community getting to know my friends and having more fun with everybody. They can have fun while fitting in with their new community.

The best thing that happened to me in term 2 Repost

The best thing that happened to me in term two is getting into my select Eagles team by a long shot, and I have four reasons I would pick this. First of all I really enjoy playing basketball so I enjoy having extra practices and games. Which is also helping me improve, I also think I get a little better every time I play with them. Second everybody on my team is really nice and good, so when I practice with them and I do something wrong people can help me correct it no matter how much times I get it wrong even when the coach isn’t looking. Also when we’re waiting for the next game everybody buys food and shares it with us, and we always joke around when we’re waiting so we can communicate during the game, I’m also making a new friends from my team. Third is because everybody is so good we almost always win which always feels nice. But that’s probably one of my worst reasons because I don’t really care who wins. Lastly it’s because every time I have a game or a practice I get to miss one of my classes like drawing, Chinese, or math. Those are my reasons and I think this is going to be a good year.

Blog #10

If I had 3 minutes to evacuate, the special items I would bring are my iPad, my basketball, food and water. The reason I would bring my iPad because it is one of my favorite things to use. In the iPad you have a lot of things that you can do and  feel free to do anything. And I don’t get bored when I use my iPad, so that’s why I would bring it with me. Next I would bring my basketball because basketball is my favorite sport. I could just play with my basketball anytime when I need to. Next I would bring food and water because everyone needs these two things to survive. I would bring food and water so I don’t have to be hungry or thirsty. These are the specials items that I would bring when I have to evacuate.

Blog #9 If I Could Be In A New Community Where Would It Be?

If I can live in any other place or new community I would live in Hawaii because Hawaii is a very beautiful and I could always have something to do. Like for an example I could go to the beach for the whole day doing different things. Like collecting shells, swimming and tanning. Another reason is that Hawaii has music every corner and the music every corner sounds very catchy and the music sounds very tropical so it goes very well with the island. And lastly the food in Hawaii is very delicious the food is very tropical and the food has the right amount of spices and the food has lots of flavor that gives the last punch of amazement to finish every thing off. So that is why I would want to live in Hawaii!

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