My goal for term 3 is Math, Science, Socials, Art, Grammar and Physical Education 9 (P.E.).

For math, if I keep well, I think I can get least a B. I think I can get a B is because that the math can only be harder and harder, it can’t be easier and easier. So I think if I keep hard working on homework and quizzes, I think B is not a problem for me.

For Science, I think I’m improving a little by a little. Sometimes I forget which system is responsible for what part of body. I’m getting excited for the project, my teammates are designing the project to make it more interesting. Not like the kind that we talk and talk and others fall asleep.

For Socials, I like the map and the suitcase project. I like to write out the countries, find their capital cities and then color them. I like to put a check mark beside whatever I finished. I like the way that the map was a blank piece of paper, after editing and coloring, it became colorful. I also like the way that I did it each step one by one. For the suitcase project, we stapled the blank folder, so it makes a suitcase, we choose one or two color paper and then design our own suitcase handle. We drew our own country flags and Canada’s flag. I drew China’s flag and Canada’s. We are going to write more about our family immigrated to Canada.

For Art, I like the project we’re doing. I like that we put big pictures first, then we’ll put zantangle in the small boxes. It can make us being more creative, and it will help me know more designs.

For Grammar, I have a lot to work on. I am not good at past tense and for what word to use in what time. I want to borrow some grammar book in library so I can practice some grammar in home during spring and summer break.

For P.E. I am not really good at basketball. But I think I am okay in P.E. this time is because gymnastic is not too hard. Last year we had gymnastic I tried to walk by my hand on a gymnastic that has two poles on it. It was kind of hard, but I succeed.