Day: 25 May 2016 (Page 1 of 2)

What would I tell a new comer blog 8

I would tell the newcomer to make friends around here then I would tell him or her to go to bonsor, Center Park and other parks. I would tell the newcomer about Maywood School, I show him or her around the school and show him or her to my friends. I would show him or around the place and my favourite places. I would tell the newcomer myths I would tell him or her the things we do at Maywood School, I show the games I play with my friends and show how to do tricks.


journal entry #8 repost

Maybe we can even have If someone new came to my community I would try to make them feel welcomed first. After I would bring them to the places I think are fun like the little park I live close to or Bonsor. If they liked to go skating I would take them to Bill Complend Sports Center (where I sometimes practice my figure skating) and teach them how to skate. I have went to Bill Complend Sports Center since I was five. I started skating blades one there.

If they went to the same school I did, I would try to be their friends at school also. I might take them to play at my house.  I would take them to my house because then we can play and get to know each other better. I want other people to include the newcomer, too.

The most important part is that the newcomer can find a place to fit into the community. I might even take then around the community getting to know more people and having more fun with everybody. They can be everybody’s friends.

Blog #8

If there is a newcomer in my community, I will tell the newcomer more about this community. I would also tell the newcomer that we live in a wonderful community because there are a lot of desirable places to go to. I will make them be part of this community by telling the newcomer what are the best places to visit. I will start telling the newcomer about being a part of Maywood Elementary School and the great community we have in this school. I will show them around in Maywood and introduce the newcomer to the teachers and my friends. And make the newcomer be part of Maywood school. Then I will tell him to visit the Metrotown Mall. I would tell the newcomer that the Metrotown Mall is one of the best shopping malls in this community. I would tell the newcomer that there are a lot of places to explore in Metrotown and feel free to go anywhere. I will also tell the newcomer to visit Central Park. And Central Park is the biggest park in this community. I will tell them that Central Park is a beautiful place to visit because there is a lot of beautiful trees.



If newcomer came to our community I will tell him about Bonser because Bonser has a lot of activities to join and are helpful and fun. Go for loonie swimming on Saturday.When school is over I go to the youth center I will ask if he can go the youth because it is fun there Xbox, ps4, computers, pool table and a Foosball table and buy food I like it there.If the newcomer whats he can join a soccer team if he likes soccer we will let him play.

Blog #7 my goal for term 3

My goal for term 3 is to be less negative. I will try to do this by the end of term 3 which is before summer vacation. To do this I will make Annie watch me and tell me if I said more than 4 negative things in one day. If I did say more than 4 negative things than I have to say another 4 positive things to people during that day. Another way I can do this is by having good sportsmanship during gym. At the end of term 3 Annie will tell me if I have been less negative and more positive.

Another goal I have is to do better in gym. Right now my grade is a C+, I want to get a B. I want to do this by the time I get my term 3 report card. To do this, I will participate in what the teacher says, and show good sportsmanship. I will try my best even if I am bad at it. If there is something I can’t do very well, I will practice at home. This year we are doing gymnastics, and I can’t do a cart wheel! I hope that if I practice I will be able to do it!

I think I will be able to reach these goal!


one of the places i would like to to live in is Dubai because there are lots of super cars everywhere its just really rare to see in Vancouver but in Dubai its common to see super cars that is one the reason why i like Dubai!

What i also like about Dubai is when your on vacation there the hotel rooms such as the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah and the Star Metro Deira Hotel is that they have like the best service ever thats why there both rated 4 to 5 stars what is also good about the hotels is they have pools and beaches next to the hotel. why i really like about Dubai it always warm and sunny unlike Vancouver the weather changes commonly a lot. what nice about Dubai is every new years there is fireworks that go in different cool patterns and they usually last like 5 to 10 minutes .

The best thing that i like in Dubai is that i dont have to worry about dying because there ambulances are super cars.

And that is why i would like to live in Dubai

Blog Post #9 Which community would I want to live in

  I would want to live in the community of London. I would love to live in the community of London because it has. nice places and views to go and see, to see good soccer matches and derbies there. I also heard that the food there tastes amazing. Also it is a nice place to live in, it’s clean and it’s safe. London also has a world-class music scene, with over 300 venues it has more than 17,000 performances per year. The transport is really good also, the tube, buses and overground it will take you all over the city. But the main thing of London that the tourists find very interesting is their history. London has pretty big history as architectures from the, Roman, Tudor, Stuart, and Victorian periods are still standing all over the city. But the main thing about the London history is the Big Ben. Almost everybody knows what Big Ben is, and the Big Ben is 157 years old, which is pretty impressive for a modern day city. But the best thing about the London is that you will never be bored there. Because things like, pubs, carnivals and festivals, restaurants, and celebrations there are open all night so you will always be entertained and will have a lots of places to make some new friends. London also has a lot of big soccer clubs like Chelsea F.C. and Arsenal F.C. which are considered as European giants.

Well those were my best reason to live in the community of London.


A mew community I would live in

A New Community I would Live to Live in


I want to live in the place I am living now because my friends are there. If I move somewhere else it is hard for me to make friends.  It will like take around 3 or 5 months to make other friends.  My friends are nice.  I love the apartment I’m living because my friends live in the same apartment.

Another reason I want to live in the place I am living now is because a lot of parks are close. One of the parks has swings, tense court, water fountain, swimming pool and a playground. There is a lot of tall grass, tall trees and hide outs near the trees.  I love parks.

My final reason I want to live in the place I am living now is because the apartments are close to each other. It is easy to make friends right beside me. I don’t have to go fare. I love the apartment I’m living because my friends live in the same apartment and they are close to each other.

Blog 9

A new community.
Blog 9

I would like to live in Paris which is in France. Paris is a lovely place you can hear the lovely sing in the morning and that thing that makes music. When you open the window you can see the whole city and at the end of the day you can see the whole sky the big purple all over the sky. And you get to go to the tower. And when you go some wear you can find that freaky guy that does not talk. And they have the finest restraint. And it’s not too hot and not to cold it’s just prefect to sit on your balcony. And that is why I pick paris

My Favourite Place (journal entry #5) repost

I have 3 favorite places- hospitals, airports and airplanes. I’m going to write about airports and airplanes because I like them better. At airports I feel very excited, because it feels like I’m trying to rush to catch my plane. I usually only feel this way if I’m going to be on the plane. If it’s somebody else that’s going on the plane, I don’t really care. I mean if it’s not me on the plane, I’m not going to get excited for someone else. That’s one reason why I like airports, I like being rushed. When I’m rushed I get annoyed, and then I get negative. Basically, I have a excuse for being negative.

When I’m on planes, I don’t get any work to do, I can just play and watch TV. Most people hate airplane food, I don’t, my friends think that I’m weird because I like it. Another reason I like airplanes is because they have these iPad thingies where you can watch TV. On air planes they have flight attendants. I like to tell them to go here and there to boss them around. When I do that, they get annoyed but they can’t show it, they still have to smile! Now you know that I only like these 2 places because I get to be negative, and not get yelled at!

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