The best thing that happened in term 2 is that we went snowshoeing. We went to Cycress. I still remember I went to school wearing a huge snow jacket. I put my huge snow pants in my backpack because I don’t want other people that’s not in my class to see it. When I first went in the classroom, I saw half of the girls in my class in the cloak room. They asked me about my snow pants, I said it was in my backpack and I went to the washroom to put it on. When I came back, one of the girl in the cloak room was saying when she was walking to school, she was wearing the snow pants and a boy looked at her strangely, and she said “what are you looking at?”

It didn’t take to long to get to Cycress because I was watching the view the whole time. When we got there, we put on our snowshoes and everyone start trying to walk with it. We went on the trail and start walking, the view was so beautiful. I toke a lot of pictures and was so happy. Finaly, we are beside the frozen lake ( I am not really sure if that is a frozen lake or not ) We ate our lunch the teachers give us snack, it was fruits covered with choclate and it was delicious! On our way back was not that good, everyone was tired and some people even thought they were going to die. After we went out of the trail, many people were happy that they made it out of the trail. We were all happy on our way back. It’s the best day ever in term 2!