The best thing that happened in term 2 was being more organized and having work being handed in on time. It has been one of New Year’s Resolutions and I have completed it. Once I feel more organized I feel like I enjoy school more than complaining about school and homework. Another thing I really enjoyed this term was buddies. Having little buddies makes a few things more fun. Like when we made our eco journals, having each other give each other ideas made each other’s even better. Another thing I loved about this term was art, we did color wheels. I liked the color wheels because I like painting and mixing the colors together made so many combinations I didn’t even knew existed. Lunch monitoring was fun too, but we only got to do it 2 weeks which was only one session. The last thing I liked about term 2 was snowshoeing. Show shoeing was fun because it was my first time I ever went snowshoeing and it was also very fun because I saw a lot of ice shapes that I’ve never seen before! But the sad part was that my phone ran out of batteries as I was about to take a very cool picture.