Month: March 2016 (Page 1 of 2)

Spring has Sprung!

Welcome back, Division 3!!

I’m happy to see all your lovely faces and I look forward to the exciting things ahead. This week we continue our COMMUNITY MAPPING project and also return our attention to our science HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS project. This week we finish our research and next week we work on our presentations. Don’t forget your individual GENIUS QUESTIONS will also be included in your presentations (Tue or Wed – April 12/15th).

This week in HACE we will be looking at HEALTH and what kind of healthy sleeping habits we can develop.

Best thing that happened in term 2

Best thing that happened in term 2 was snow shoeing. When I got my group, I liked the group because it was Danijel’s dad. But me and Danijel were the only boys in the group. When we arrived, I got my snow shoes on and start throwing snow balls toward the cliff with some of my friends. When we started to climb, I was excited. When we arrived everyone was eating their lunch. When we finished our lunch, Mrs. Lanaway gave us a chocolate fondue and it was yummy. When we finished, we walked down the hill.

It was a fun trip.

Blog #6 The best things that happened in Term 2 was …

The best thing that happened in term 2 was being more organized and having work being handed in on time. It has been one of New Year’s Resolutions and I have completed it. Once I feel more organized I feel like I enjoy school more than complaining about school and homework. Another thing I really enjoyed this term was buddies. Having little buddies makes a few things more fun. Like when we made our eco journals, having each other give each other ideas made each other’s even better. Another thing I loved about this term was art, we did color wheels. I liked the color wheels because I like painting and mixing the colors together made so many combinations I didn’t even knew existed. Lunch monitoring was fun too, but we only got to do it 2 weeks which was only one session. The last thing I liked about term 2 was snowshoeing. Show shoeing was fun because it was my first time I ever went snowshoeing and it was also very fun because I saw a lot of ice shapes that I’ve never seen before! But the sad part was that my phone ran out of batteries as I was about to take a very cool picture.




The best thing that happened in term 2! ( Blog #6 )

The best thing that happened in term 2 is that we went snowshoeing. We went to Cycress. I still remember I went to school wearing a huge snow jacket. I put my huge snow pants in my backpack because I don’t want other people that’s not in my class to see it. When I first went in the classroom, I saw half of the girls in my class in the cloak room. They asked me about my snow pants, I said it was in my backpack and I went to the washroom to put it on. When I came back, one of the girl in the cloak room was saying when she was walking to school, she was wearing the snow pants and a boy looked at her strangely, and she said “what are you looking at?”

It didn’t take to long to get to Cycress because I was watching the view the whole time. When we got there, we put on our snowshoes and everyone start trying to walk with it. We went on the trail and start walking, the view was so beautiful. I toke a lot of pictures and was so happy. Finaly, we are beside the frozen lake ( I am not really sure if that is a frozen lake or not ) We ate our lunch the teachers give us snack, it was fruits covered with choclate and it was delicious! On our way back was not that good, everyone was tired and some people even thought they were going to die. After we went out of the trail, many people were happy that they made it out of the trail. We were all happy on our way back. It’s the best day ever in term 2!

Blog # 3 Repost ( A game)

A game I used to play as a little kid is called Hide and Seek tag. It is like hide and seek except once someone finds you, they chase you until they catch you.

It was a really good game when I was in grade in 1,2 and 3 but once it reaches grade 6 it is past the breaking point. Whenever I played this game, on the outside I looked

scared that someone was going to find me but on the inside, I was really excited , I was practiclly bouncing up and down on my toes. My friends would always ask to play this game

with me and by the end of the day I would have a ton of new people to play with. This game should really be played by little girls and boys in the future generation because

it is really fun and good for losing weight.

The best thing that happened in term #2

The thing that I liked best in term two was when we went snow shoeing. It was really fun because that was the first time I had ever seen that much snow in my life and it was also the first time I’ve ever gone snow shoeing. Its best part was when we stopped and played in the snow. But it could have been better if we had a snow fight.

I also liked the basketball games we’ve had in the gym and outside, I’ve improved my passing, handling and shooting skills, and something very important: sportsmanship.





I hope we get to do more awesome and challenging things in term #3


journal entry#6 the best thing that happened in term 2

The best thing that happened in term 2 is I get a better score in my math test and that is my best thing that happened, and I will do my best in other subject too and when I was grade four I wish that no math but now I love math, and I learn more English, and I learn more games in DPA we play capture the flag, baseball, cricket, Octopus and Cops and Robbers. And those are the best thing that happened in term 2.

Journal Entry #6 Best thing that happened in Term 2

The best thing that happened in term 2 was I got to learn more about science like body parts, planets, space. Another thing that happened in term 2 were lit circles I really like it because we got to read books and make questions for your group. I also like PE we got to play basketball and learn how to play it. And art I like it because we did colour wheel because we got to paint and also another thing we got to do is more LA and more writing and more English. Another thing that happened in term 2 were DPA we got to play lost of games like capture the flag, baseball, cricket, octopus and cops and robbers. And those are the best things that happened in term 2.

My name is ( Journal entry #4 )

I have a small and normal family. It’s okay for my family to have one mom, one dad, and one brother. Every Monday my dad drops me off at south slope for basketball practice, and it’s okay for my dad to watch me play basketball at Burnaby south. It’s okay for my family to pray before eating diner, and also thank the lord for the food he has given us. We also don’t start eating until everyone is seated. My family usually eats Philipino food such as Sizzling tofu and cinigang. My favourite philipino food is Chicken adobo, and my favourite philipino desert is Halo-Halo. MY family always goes to mass at St. marry every Sunday.

the best thing in term #2

The best that happened to me in term 2 I have basketball to train me and I have much fun train to hit the nest and I have some difficulty to play because I not tall to throw and to take the ball and I never see snow before because I come from I hot country and a build a snow man and why you can throw snowballL. Because I never have hold I snowball before but I don t have gloves I my hands freeze and I think term 3 is goanna be for fun!!!


By: Luiggi march 9





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