My name is Susana and I am 11 years old, I live on Telford Ave in Burnaby, B.C. My parents names are Claudia and Jose and my little brothers name is Dominick. I live in a apartment and it is really squishy sometimes but it’s comfy. My dad’s side of the family is rich, they get everything from Guess, Burberry and Jimmy Choo and they would get me the I-phone 7 if they could or if my mom let them. My family and I love watching scary movies because we love a good scare, me? Not really! I love going to the park during the summertime because #1, I love being in the sun and #2 because I love swinging on the swings! I am in love with anime because the graphics, characters and storylines are really awesome, my current anime crazes are Makura No Danshi, Attack on Titan and Corpse Party: Tortured Souls. My personality sometimes seems serious but once you get to know me, I am really bubbly and fun but sometimes I am a bit of a blockhead. And that is me!!