I have two favourite places, the hospital, airport and airplanes. I’m going to write about the airport and the airplane because I like it better (too bad hospital). At the airport I feel very excited, because it feels like I’m trying to rush to catch my plane. I usually only feel this way if I’m going to be on the plane. If it’s somebody else that’s going on the plane, I don’t really care. I mean if it’s not me on the plane, I’m not going to get excited for someone else. Before you go on the plane, you have to go through the security. They check all your stuff to see if you have anything dangerous.

When I’m on the plane, I don’t get any work to do, I can just play and watch TV. Basically all I do on the plane is eat, play, watch TV, use the washroom, and sleep (notice that there’s no work!) I also like the airport because I like going on the plane. Most people hate airplane food, I don’t, my friends think that I’m weird because I like it. Another reason I like airplanes is because they have tablets where you can watch TV. On air planes they have flight attendants. I like to call them here and there to boss them around. When I do that I feel like a queen! 

I’m a person that likes to travel, so I love to go on planes!

(Miranda is a queen)