My favorite place is the little park, it has no name so me and my friends call it the little park. The little park has four swings in total, which sounds pretty good, right? But, there are 2 baby swings and 2 normal swings. There are also 2 baby slides and 1 squeal slide. The playground is pretty small but there are a pretty big field and a lot of trees. There are a small thin road for people to walk on. This little playground is my favorite place because when I just came to Canada, my mom take me to the playground and I play until it’s very dark and not a single person is there. That sounds okay if it’s spring or fall, but it’s summer. So, I actually play until 11pm or even 11:30pm. So the earliest time I leave is10pm or 10:30.

I don’t know why, I do not know how to speak English, so I couldn’t talk or play with anyone. I just play on the slide or watch other people play and thinks it’s a lot of fun. Until I had new friends I still play there, but not to 11pm anymore. In summer, I only play until 8pm. The little park gave me lots of good memories like playing games, but it also gave me bad memories too, like once me and my friends are playing hid and seek, me and my friend ran and ran and I fall, hard on the rock ground. It hurt a lot and it toke me days to let my leg feel better again. That’s why the little park is my favorite place. And I think it will be forever until I grew up, I will remember this place forever.