My first name is Nina. I am 10 years old and a fifth grade student. I was born in June, 2005, Toronto. I often go to Burnaby Public Library to borrow books. Sometimes I go to Central Park. I liked to go Central Park in the morning, the sun not too shine and I can see well enough. It’s a quiet and natural place. My sister Jenny and my mom Lana are living together with me now. The rest of my family lived in Kunming, China. Sometimes when it’s summer break my grandma will come to visit us. I lived in a quiet, nice apartment where I really like. It’s near almost everywhere that we need to go. Like Wholesale, Safeway, Crystal Mall, only Maywood is a bit farther. My sister and I often make some butter cookies and banana bread, sometimes my mom joins too. The baking are very simple to make, and I’m very happy during the process. My mom often make potatoes and onion curry, it takes a long time to make but delicious, not too spicy or sweet. My sister and I really like to draw, my mom said she can’t draw well but sometimes she looked at our work and point out where we did well and where we need improve. I keep on fixing my work until I’m satisfied. I like to read books so I like the library. There are always lots of books that I need to explore.