My mom and dad said when I was your age we walked 2 hours a day just to get to school our school started at 12 to 6 pm and we had to walk back alone in the forest when it was dark out. My mom was really scared by herself because her sister used to go to school with her but she got too scared to walk with my mom alone in the forest so she quit school and this is why my mom is scared because her sister isn’t here. Then once during school my mom met my dad so they walked home together and told jokes to each other so they started to walk together my dad wanted her to feel safe. My mom became happier because of my dad so she started getting straight A’s. After a couple of years of my mom getting straight A’s she became the smartest girl in the school. But things got bad my dad moved away my mom was so sad that she would never see my dad again. But 2 years later my mom’s friend was getting married when she got to the party she saw my dad so my dad asked for her address the next day my dad’s dad went to my mom’s door and knocked the my mom’s dad said what do you need so my dad’s dad said my son wants to marry your daughter and my mom’s dad said ok so they got married!