The one of the games that I and my friends usually play is Hide and Seek. But we had add some rules. We rock-paper-scissors to decide who’s ‘it’. The ‘it’ choose a spot, close her eyes (we play in girls) and start count 60 sec. During the 60 seconds, the players run around to find a place to hide (like behind the tree). After ‘it’ had count 60 seconds, she walked around the find the players, if the player (s) had been found by ‘it’, she/they join ‘it’ and help her find others. The players can’t tell ‘it’ where we all are, but she allowed to tell once or twice. After the ‘it’ had find all the players, the players starts another round of rock-paper-scissors. But this time, the ‘it’ in the first round won’t join the rock-paper-scissors. We did this as a rule is to prevent a person be it twice when some people had be ‘it’ once and others hadn’t been ‘it’ once, so on. After everyone had been ‘it’ once, we start a new turn and everyone starts rock-paper-scissors.