A story that sometimes my mom told me is when we got lost near the lake one

One time. So my mom told me that we were going out for fishing. We

Arrived to the place we were going and went down the water. So my

Dad start fishing but me my sister  and my mom was just sitting and

Watching my dad fish. After a few minutes my dad said that there were

No fish in the lake. So we took off our shoes and pulled our pants so it

Want get wet. We walked across the water. After we crossed the water

We so a path that was soaking wet. We were walking to the path up to

The lake. We got up to the lake and my Dad started fishing. Few

Minutes later it got colder we said to our dad lets go home because it

Got colder my dad said no later. Few minutes later my dad said lets go

Home now so we went to the place that we started walking. The wind

Got stronger and the grass got wavy and we got lost of our track

Because the grass stared to cover our way. It started to get dark. As we

We’re walking it got dark we saw a light and we followed it good thing

We followed it because it was near the lake and it was the exit. So we

Went up hill and found our car and went back home. That is the a

Family story how we almost got lost