Once when I was six, my whole family was in my grandpa’s house and we were watching a movie about sled dogs. When I saw the person on the sled, I decided to try it, too.

I got a carpet so it would slide, then I put a chair on the carpet. I got my grandpa’s dog and the dog chain. I got onto the chair and I tried to make my grandpa’s dog move, so I put dog food about a meter away, when my grandpa’s dog saw the dog food he tried to get it. I actually moved a little. When my grandpa saw me he said ‘’that’s very creative, but I don’t think it will work.’’

It was a very fun experiment. My grandpa’s dog tried so desperately to get the dog food but he was only six month old. Of course after a while he gave up. I think it was annoying for my grandpa’s dog, but it was really fun for me.