Term 2 is quickly drawing to a close… be sure to get all your work in!

–> Please visit the Science page for detailed information about what is due and when. I’ve also included what Big Ideas and Core Competencies you will be assessed on for Term 2. Take a look!

Hey folks!

  • The homework board is up and running again (thanks Andy and Josh!).
  • I’ve updated our Language Arts page, so take a look… I’m listing all journal entries to help you stay organized and on top of things. Please take a look and make sure you have written and posted Journal Entries #1-4 by the end of this week (Feb 12).
  • LIT CIRCLES continue… please make an efffort to complete your reading and writing tasks by each Thursday so we can complete our Lit Circle meetings. It’s always a pain when we can’t meet because someone hasn’t done their homework. Remember you have all week to complete this
  • Feb 19 is a Professional Development day for teachers; no school.
  • Feb 26 is our Young People’s Concert. Don’t miss it! (or arrive late).