A family story I have is when I was a baby my mom sent me to China because she had to study, so my offered aunt to take care of me. Then my mom would tell me that when my cousin saw me he thought I was really cute so he was going to touch my cheeks, but that time my teeth were just growing so when he stuck his hands out I bit him. This happened to all of my family members when they were carrying me, feeding me, or try to touch my cheeks. Then when my cousin couldn’t take it anymore he was pretending to hit me, but then my aunt had an idea she said “every time Andy bites you mark it down and every mark equals ten dollars. During the years my mom where studying I bit everything within my reach like curtains, phones, and people. When my mom came back to take me back to Canada I didn’t want to go. So during my mom’s stay my cousin told her that she owed him around ten thousand dollars, but my cousin knew that wasn’t going to happen so he just said that as a joke. Every time she told me that story she would say “look what a loving family you have” she would also ask what the lesson was. The first time I had no idea, but now I know the lesson its treat someone the way you want to be treated.