Tomorrow (Wed, Jan.13) we have a our snow shoeing trip at Mt. Seymour. Will will be going into winter conditions and could encounter cold snow, rain, or sleet. It could also be mild and sunny. Prepare for all of the above! Please make sure you have:

  • snow or hiking boots
  • winter coat (or outer shell with warm layers underneath)
  • snow (or rain) pants.
  • good wool socks to keep feet warm
  • mitten or gloves, toque (warm hat)
  • packed lunch and extra snacks
  • water bottle

Please review the newsletter to refresh what items your child needs. We’re all super excited about it, and I know if they can stay warm and dry that day it will be even better! Please visit this link: newsletterRaquettes à neige dans le vallon de Loriaz, au dessus de Vallorcine






  • January 18th is the Young Peoples Concert.