I think that Brian is going to get saved by a plane that see’s the plane that Brian crashed. I think that because the pilot will probably see the damaged trees and the big branches on the ground. I also think that the pilot can see the plane under the water because if Brian could make it from the bottom of the lake to the top which means that the water is not very deep. Also now that the tornado flipped the plane to the surface it’s really noticeable.

He might also just light one tree on fire, he can make the ground around and part of the tree wet so the whole forest doesn’t burn. Or maybe he can climb a tree and hold up a burning stick. He could also put a lot of fire pits so that there’s a lot of smoke and he has a way to put it out.

Now that the plane got flipped on top of the water he might be able to use the radio. He also might be able to get a part of the plane and make a light signal. He could also find something helpful in the first aid bag like something to help with his broken ribs or some tools to help him with survival. Then he might have some better tools than what he has now.