My Prediction on the ending of the book “Hatchet” is Brain getting rescued by rescuers. I think he is going to get rescued because he does a variety of things to alert one of the planes or helicopters to come and rescue him from the forest. For example, Brian creates a fire to alert the plane from the sky. It will be better if Brain made more campfires or burn a tree on fire to light up the area and to smoke. So the plane can see the fire and smoke to alert them to come and rescue Brian. There is a way that the rescuers are looking for the plane that brain witnessed the plane crash and they probably heard what Brian said in the radio about to come and rescue him from the Canadian wilderness. There could be a tracker on the plane. So the rescuers know where to go and to find Brian. And I think Brian is going to make a big message to the plane using rocks and sticks on the ground. I really hope that Brian gets rescued because he did a lot of effort on surviving in the forest and to help himself to get rescued. I think by the end of the story he is going to meet his father again and be pleased that he is not in the forest anymore. Here is my prediction of the ending of hatchet.