Dear Mom and Dad,

It’s me Brian Robeson and it has passed forty-seven days since the plane crashed, and it has been hard for me to survive, even I’m surprised that I’ve survived this long, I’ve had to find food, shelter, and I also had to make a fire which was really hard for me to do because I had to find the right things to make the fire and it also took me about two hours to make that fire. I wish you guys would be here right now so you can help me with all the hard things that I have to do. In this moment a plane passed right over me, that plane could have sent me home so I can see you guys, but you know what, the plane didn’t turn around and right now I’m thinking that all I’ve hoped for was useless, also that I might be stuck here in this forest for the rest of my life and maybe I might not be able to see you guys for ever, I’m only thirteen and I’m not supposed to be here alone. I might even get eaten by a vicious bear or some kind of other animal that wants to harm me! It made me feel so hopeless for all I’ve done to just be able to go home. But since I have been here so long, I’m getting in-tune with nature so I don’t really have to be afraid of any kind of animals because now I can understand how they feel and they can understand me so I won’t hurt them and they won’t hurt me neither. Before, when I was still with you I wasn’t very nice to you and I wish I could just go back in time and say sorry for all the things that I have done, but now I’m stuck here in this forest alone and trying to survive. The first day that I got here I thought that I was going to die. I have learned a lot of new things in this forest, for example, I learned how to catch fish, in the beginning I tried to catch some fishes with a spear I made that had two prongs, I tried lunging it to the fishes thinking that I would be able to actually catch one, but after a long while of trying to catch some fishes, I sat down and waited for a fish to come close enough so I could catch it then suddenly when I was on the ground I saw that the spear that I put in the water had been bent and then I realized that water refracts and that’s why the spear looks like its bent, then I realized again that if the water can refract and make everything look different that meant that the fish were lower than where I was lunging the spear and that’s why I never caught any of the fishes. So I made the spear go just a bit lower than the fish so that I could catch it from under it. That is how I got my first fish. The second thing I had to make to survive was a shelter, what I did was I found this ridge and a big rock that looked like a cave, so I made my first shelter there. If you guys ever find this letter please look for me and bring me back with you, I don’t want to be in this forest alone and you might not even find me alive but please come.

– From Brian Robeson