Dear dad

Hi dad I was stuck in woods and was hoping that you would save me but too late as you can see that am dead I saw a plane flow by but it did not see me so that’s when I end it all. My fire went out and I saw a wolf and a bear but it did not hurt me I made a lean-to and fire and got fish and got eggs and then eat it and made a bow and that how I got a fish and did so many more stuff that you wood of loved .And I got hit by a porky pine and a skunk and I was blind for a moth and almost died in water I shod of died I flow a plane I did not know where I am I was on the plane for like two or four hour until I crash in tree and into the water and was hoping that I was going to get out of this place but it’s not real like Santa and it’s like a big game that I who’d not win and I was never going to get out life is a game but you never win so am going for fit