Dear mom and dad

I have been in the woods for 47 days now, waiting for a plane to come and rescue me. When the plane crashed, I didn’t know what to do, so I thought of Perpich’s teachings and it helped me a lot. Now I have a lean-to and food. I know how to build one!

I feel like I am a new Brian now. I made fire and I also know how to catch a fish now. I figured it out by myself with a bow.

I don’t know if I will see you again, but I really miss you. I had a ok time here. I know how to survive now. I’ve met bears, I’ve met a wolf, and they didn’t try to kill me. I realized that they are actually friendly. The bear shared food with me and I live in the wolf’s territory.

I feel kind of sad sometimes. I feel like I want to end myself.

In the 47 days, I did well and got my habitat, but I feel like ending it all because one day, I saw a plane flying above me, I thought I am going to be rescued, but the plane didn’t see me, and flew away. I lost hope and I was so sad about that.

I don’t know when you are going to read this, I don’t know if I am still alive or not. I f I am not alive, please give this to my parents. Say that I want to tell them, I did a good job on trying to survive. I love them. But I really lost hope and I want to end this. I hope they are proud of me. Bye.