Dear mom and dad

I have been in the woods for 47 days now, I feel depressed because my plane has crashed and I really miss you. Ever since the plane crashed, I’ve changed, I feel like I died and came back to life a new me. I’ve become in a funk because I had seen a plane during 1 of the days and I thought it had seen me because it had stayed in the air where I was for a period of time but then left me behind and didn’t turn around. I’m very blue and gutted and suicidal, I don’t know if you guys know how bad I’m feeling  and if you do, I bet you wouldn’t know how bad I’m feeling as bad as I am right now. There have been times when I have been very rude and hateful to you and when you whenever you were not looking, I would swear at you, and whenever you punished me I’d wish you weren’t even alive but I still loved you. I do not think you will find this letter and if you do, please read it. I feel like I should end it all because I’ve been hopeless and nobody will ever find me and if you do find me, you won’t find me alive. I just wanted to tell you these last words before I leave this world, I love you both. – Brian