Brian been fulfilling lots of his habitat requirements. First he found raspberries bushes so he already has lots of food from the bushes. Before he found raspberry bushes he had to eat the gut cherries that gave him diarrhoea. He also has four turtle eggs to eat. Even though he has a fire he has no way to cook the eggs, so he has to eat the eggs raw.

Brian has also found a place to build his shelter which is in a carved out hole on the side of a ridge and he used sticks and leaves for the door. He uses the ridge a roof to protect him from natural weather such as sun, rain and wind. It can also protect him from animals that might try to hurt him. The shelter also gave him a peace of mind so he can sleep better. The shelter can also keep him busy so he doesn’t think about bad memories and why the rescuers hasn’t come yet.

Brian has also discovered lots of space throughout his journey. First, he crash landed in a lake so he has water, but it’s not very clean because the first time he drank the water he vomited. He also has raspberry bushes so he now has plenty of food, but that doesn’t have a lot of protein in it so it’s not very good. Brian also already found a place to build his lean-to so he got shelter. So Brian has already fulfilled all his habitat requirements to survive.

Throughout Brian’s adventure he has become more and more in tune with nature, it feels like he’s an animal now. For example when he first got to the lake it never accord to him that there were fish inside the water and that the fish was food, that’s an example of him using his five senses more. Another example is that is that when he saw the wolf he wasn’t afraid he knew where the wolf belongs in the wilderness and where he belongs, he’s also not afraid of the wolf he just looks at the wolf. Also when he heard a bear he knew it was a bear and he did what his five senses told him to do, he didn’t do what his mind told him to do.