Brian is changing he is becoming more in tune with nature, and is fulfilling his habitat requirements. We all need food and water to survive, and so does Brian. He has found berries, turtle eggs, and is still trying to catch fish and birds. Brian has to eat the turtle eggs raw, but now that he has fire, if he catches fish or birds he would be able to can cook them. Drinking lake water can be a problem too, Brian has gotten sick and threw up all of the water he drank because he didn’t boil it. Finding shelter wasn’t a big problem for Brian. All he did was walk around the lake and at the end of a ridge he finds a cave like place where he builds his lean-to. His lean-to had a rock face as the roof and that was good because that could protect him from rain, sun and wind. You would also need a fire to survive and it took Brian a long time to make one but in the end he still had a fire. Fire gave him warmth, protection safety, and a peace of mind.

Brian starts noticing the space around him, where he lives, his habitat. He lived in a forest in the Canadian woods alone. But where he lived had a beautiful scenery, from his lean-to you could see the lake, the tall trees, and some berry bushes it was amazing. If you were in a life or death situation, you would start noticing the space around you and you would become more in tune with nature. If Brian would hear a sound, he wouldn’t just hear it he would know what was making the sound without even looking at it. In chapter 13 something really exciting happens, Brian was just sitting by the lake with his spear that he made, trying to catch fish. He tried many times but failed, then he had a sudden feeling that something was watching or staring at him. It was the same feeling he had when he was picking the raspberries and the bear came. He wouldn’t have known that the bear was behind him because he was busy stuffing himself with raspberries. It was a feeling inside him, a feeling that told him that there was something there. When he sat by the lake trying to catch fish the same feeling came to him again. Soon, he turned around and there was a wolf standing on a hill beside the lake watching Brian. Brian felt scared for a moment but soon he want scared anymore, the wolf didn’t want to hurt Brian, it was watching Brian, studying Brian. He nodded to the wolf and smiled, then the wolf walked back and 2 other wolves came, and Brian nodded then smiled. As you can see by changing the way he thinks the way he sees things he might have a chance