Since the plane crashed, Brian need to survive in his new habitat, there’s four things Brian did to build his habitat.

First, Brian used sticks and leaves to build a lean-to, he didn’t just build it, and he looked around and saw a ridge that’s perfect for building a lean-to. So he walk around the forest to get sticks and to cut some big branches with his hatchet.

Second, he walked around the forest to find food. At first, he walked around and find some birds eating berries, so he think that maybe he can eat it too. But the berries has seeds, and some are still green, not ready to eat. Brian don’t really like it. He went to find food again, this time he was lucky, he find some raspberry bushes, but then he saw a bear, he freeze for a moment and ran away, when the bear was gone, he walked back to get more. When he’s sleeping, he heard something and got up, and then he saw footsteps, he thought of it and find out that the animal must did something important, so he dig a hole from where the footprints stopped, and he find turtle eggs! There were ten of them, at first Brian was scared to eat them, but when Brian taste a bit of it, it taste so good! Brian thought. He ate more and more and more when he stopped, he found that he ate 6 of them, and saved the rest. One day, Brian saw a bird catching a fish, Brian decided to catch some fish too. First, he tried to catch fish with his hands, but he failed, so he made a spear, but it still didn’t work, the fish was too fast.

Third, Brian was thirsty, he looked at the lake. He decided to drink a little bit, only a little bit, he thought, but after he drank a bit, he wanted more, so he drank and drank and drank until he can’t drink anymore. He got sick, but he has no choice, so after that, when he was thirsty, he still drank water from the lake.

Fourth, the natural helped Brian to do a lot of things, first, how he find his shelter is because of the ridge, he saw the ridge and used it to build a lean-to. Second, he looked around very carefully to find food, and he found berries in some berry bushes. Third, he drink water from the lake, and it helped Brian a lot from not getting thirsty.

Brian had lived in the forest for a long time, he was starting to be in tune with nature by noticing everything and can hear and see very carefully. When he hear something, he knows what it is without looking, like a bird moving,,,   or a raccon moving in the bush. He know if a fish is a food fish or not. Brian and the wolf understand each other, they understand that as long as they are not too close to each other, they don’t have to hurt each other.

Brian is a new Brian now, he was not the weak Brian that live because he think he’s going to be rescued in some days, now he lived in nature like a home.