Brian is fulfilling part of his habitat requirements by finding food. Collecting berries was one of them. He went in the forest he found gut cherries, but it gave him diarrhea. So he went back in the forest, but this time he past the gut cherries. Once he went in deeper he found raspberries. These he knew he could eat. Even though the raspberries was a good source of food, Brian did not give up finding something better, maybe something that is meat.

Brian is also getting use to nature by getting use to what his surroundings are. Like when something sounds, Brian can tell that like it’s a bird or whatever it was. And also he can tell what type and what animal it is. Brian is also getting used to the animals around him, like when he heard the wolf, he was calmly turning around and saw the wolf. But when the turtle came in his shelter, he went back to sleep, and he could get though the night without anything disturbing him.

Brian is more in tune with nature because he can use his brain more smoothly and quickly, for example the wolf, Brian did not hesitate or panic because he knew that if he did not harm the wolf then the wolf won’t harm him. But the first time Brian saw the bear he was scared because he was not fully in tune with nature.

Brain is also getting used to making and using his weapons, for example he made a bow and arrow he aimed at the fish and caught the fish, but when he was using the hatchet to kill the fish he usually would miss, but now he has a bow and arrow that will almost always never miss a fish. And Brian now still has leftover fish skin that Brain will never eat, he would use it as bait!