When the plane crashed brian needed food. He found a water in lake brian build his own habitat

What brian did first was he used a bark from the tree and his hatchet to make a fire.

And brian thought looking around but all he could see was grass and brush.

Brian had an English teacher a guy named Perpich who was always talking about being positive, thinking

Positive, staying on top of things.

Brian say was another part of the woods, another part of all of it.

He knew the wolf now as the wolf knew him and he nodded to it, nodded and smiled.

He had forgotten that water refracts bends light. He had learned that somewhere in some class maybe it

was biology-he couldn’t remember.

But it did bend light and that meant the fish were not where they appeared to be.

He would not forgot his first hit. Not ever. He held the fish against the skyuntil it stopped wiggling held it

And looked to the sky and felt his throat tighten, smell, and fill with pride at what he had done.

He had done food.