There are three ways Brian demonstrated his motivation to survive in the forest. First, he built a lean-to to protect himself from the rain, cold, mosquitos, and hot sun so he slept in the lean-to. He built a lean-to with sticks, and dried grass near the lake because they might find him. Second, he started to looks for the berries to stay healthy. First he found some gut berries because the birds were eating so he knew that it’s not poison. And he eat it and he puked after he ate gut berries. And he found some raspberries and it taste way better than the gut berries. Finally, he saw a spark fly from his hatchet when it hit the rock. And he realized that he could make a fire. He used kindling as rocks, dried grass, twigs, and he made a fire. This helped Brian stay warm, safe, and now he could cook food as fish. Brian know that if he doesn’t stay motivated he couldn’t do all of these things