Blog # 3 How Brian has shown motivation to survive?

There are three ways Brian shows that he’s motivated by Perpich’s words.

First, Brian had to build a shelter so he had a place to sleep and be safe from mosquitos, sun, rain and other insects. He wanted to make a lean-to against the rock, but he decided to check the far side of the ridge. Then he found a place that had a smooth ledge on the top so he could almost stand under it. It felt very dry there. He use the hatchet to cut the wood to make a door for his shelter.

Second, Brian knew that he had to eat something so he could survive. He found cherries first, but the cherries didn’t taste really good. Brian didn’t give up. He kept looking for food around the lake’s edge until the found something to eat. Then he found some raspberries, Brian realizes that the raspberries are safe because the birds are eating too.

Finally, Brian really needed a fire, so he could keep warm and cook food. The porcupine had attacked him and he threw the hatchet hit the rocks and made a shower of sparks. Then he got the idea-the sparks would make fire. He strikes with the flat part of the hatchet and hit the black rock gently. The hit was too light so nothing happened. Not even a spark. He strikes harder, then two or three skipped off and died immediately. Brian swung it harder, and sparks flew toward the sand beneath the rock. He need some tinder or kindling. He tried some dried grass and watched the sparks skipped off and die. He tried small twigs, but it is worse than dried grass. He had no problem getting the sparks, but he need something soft, fine and fluffy to catch on the fire. Brian reviewed what his science teacher had taught him about making a fire. He had twigs and sparks. He thought for a moment, then he knew what he need-some air. Brian had air, but maybe more. He tried, and it works, but the fire still haven’t done. He blew as fast he could, the sparks stronger. He collected some twigs and branches, tried again, and then the fire burning.

Brian listened to Perpich’s words to stay motivated, that helped him to stay hopeful and survive.