The plane crashed, Brian was sitting there under a tree alone. He thought the searchers might not find him for four days, he thought of what Perpich had always said “stay on top of things, you are the best thing you have.”

Why are you the best thing you have?

You are the best thing you have because you have your own body, you can walk around and find some plants that you can eat. You can find some tools too, to hunt animals.

You are the best thing you have because you can use your brain to think, you can think of some ideas of what you are going to do. You can think of some things you saw before about plane crashes and what they did. Maybe you really can find some things that are the best for you to do.

You are the best thing you have because you have legs & arms, you can build something that if a plane flies over it, the plane can see it (like: you can use huge rocks to build SOS).

You are the best thing you have no matter where you are and what happened.