one day I was alone with my brother in my house. I was in turkey me and my brother had nothing to do. after we played this game that we made up the point of this game is to  get our big plastic tub and we”d  go inside it and go down my stairs with the tub and it was very fun and dangerous. After that we got bored so my brother did his homework and I was playing with my  kitten after I had a silly idea I thought of climbing my  window and i did when i was climbing my window  it broke in pieces of shattered glass . I could’ve died because my house is two story’s high but luckily  my brother was right next to me  so he managed to grab onto on to me and held by the window very tightly because he wasn’t strong enough .when my dad came and saw what happened he pulled me up quickly and then he got really mad at me he said why would you climb a window he said one the reasons im mad and frustrated he said first you could’ve died and second you broke our window and we have to pay for it.the end