When I first come here, my mom took me to T & T and we went  to bakery, I saw a little box, full of hard strings, I took one and play with it, it’ s so fun! I thought. We kept walking, but when we went to buy some snacks, my string was broken! So I decided to get another one, so I told mom, but I am only 7 years old!  instead of saying, mom, can I go get another string? I said” mom, wait here, I’ll come back in a minute!” and I ran away to the bakery. But my mom don’t know where I am going, so she yelled” wait! ” But I just ran away. When I come back, I didn’t saw my mom, and than I knew, I was lost. I have no idea of where I am going, I just ran around, I am so scared that I am going to be lost forever, I went to the bakery again, than I heard someone calling” HOPE! Hope!” It was my mom, so, I find my mom and went home.