I was once lost in the mall when we went shopping on boxing day. It was lunch time so my mom told us that we could go to the food court to have lunch. I wanted to go home because I usually get annoyed when I stay somewhere really crowded and noisy for a long time. but it was lunch time and I was hungry so I went up to the food court. Apparently, some store had a huge sale or something, so people came and left, came and left. It was like a traffic jam in there. I stood there for a while not knowing what to do, so I waited for the people to clear. finally, a few minutes later the people were gone so was my mom! I looked around but I couldn’t find her so I went to the food court. I had to use the washroom so I went there and there was my mom with my sister! Can you believe it? Anyways, later we sat down and had lunch.