Month: September 2015

Intake Interviews this week!

Intake Interviews were conducted this week, with early dismissal happening at 2pm. It has been a great pleasure meeting Div. 3 parents! If you missed your time or couldn’t make it for whatever reason, please feel free to reschedule. You can contact me through my contact page on this blog or leave a message in your child’s planner.

Cross-country running has begun!

Get your shoes ready because Maywood Community has the good fortune of having coaches from the Jerome Outreach Society (and four dedicated teachers!) coach our team this year!

Practices run 7:45-8:45am Tuesdays and Thursdays (Sept 16-Oct 15). Students meet by the gym foyer doors.

Running meets are held on Monday, Sept 21 and Oct 5th from 3:30-4:30pm at the Burnaby Lake East Sports Complex. Students will leave the school at 3pm and will return at 5pm. There will be a final awards meet on Tuesday, Oct 13th 3:00-6:00pm at the BLESC.

Welcome back!

We’ve had a nice, hot summer and just in the nick of time the rains came to help refill our water reservoirs!

Please use this as your space to keep up to date on class happenings and post questions, comments or even funny jokes! Check in on individual subjects by finding their link across the top menu and be sure to find the HOMEWORK BOARD.

We’ve got a great year ahead of us and I can’t wait to meet and get to know you all!

~ Ms. Lanawayback-to-school-1024x395

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