My name is Antoni Yusuf Nicyfor. I was born on the 26th of December, 2002, and I am 12 years old. I am 5’ 3”, weigh   lb, I have short, black hair, and my eyes are a greenish bluish color.

One of the things I like to do the most is read. I usually read fantasy or sci-fi novels, as I don’t really enjoy other kinds of books. Another thing I really like to do is play video games. Again usually play strategy, role-playing, and simulation games. The final thing I really enjoy doing is math. I like math simply because I enjoy solving problems where there is only on answer, and there’s a structured way to solve it.

The first thing I really hate doing is homework. I just find a lot of the time my homework is stuff I already know how to do, and sometimes it’s laughably easy and for me just seems like a waste of time. The next thing I hate doing is cleaning. I probably hate cleaning because I’m lazy and I don’t really mind things on the floor.

Really the only embarrassing experience I can remember is when I messed up some notes during band I my band teacher thought I was improvising. I just accepted that I had made a mistake and the class went on.

There were a few times when I’ve Been really angry. The first time was when I’d found out that my mom decided to put in French immersion only one or two weeks before school was going to start. After a week of being in French immersion my mom let me go back to regular class, and life went on. The only other time that I can remember is when throughout the week, one of my classmates kept telling everyone that id broken the class sharpener, when someone else did, and we were outside he yelled it for the whole school to hear and I ended up punching him in the face. In the end we were both in trouble