The Maze Runner wild card

I really liked the passage when Chuck died, well I don’t like the part, but I like it because the author described everything so well. The emotion, the feelings, it felt like I was really there, like Chuck died in front of me.

“Something happened within Thomas. It scared deep down in his chest, a seed of rage. Of revenge. Of hate. Something dark and terrible .and then it exploded, bursting though his lungs, through his neck, through is arms and legs. Through his mind.” I found that statement very powerful because that is how Thomas felt like when Chuck died, his emotion, the way he felt.


I also liked this passage because if you read that passage and haven’t read the book, it doesn’t really explain what just happened, but since I know what happened, it explains a lot. Like when he thinks about revenge, because when Thomas came out of The Box, Chuck was the annoying boy who always asked questions to see if he remembered anything, he said that he felt like getting rid of him or wanting to punch him in the face. Maybe he hated Chuck at that moment because he went and sacrificed himself and died, when Thomas could have done that. I really enjoyed this book and want to continue the series to see what will happen next.