This part of the book has really caught my attention, at this moment when Thomas got stung  on purpose  I was like why would he do that, it was very weird because at that point I had no idea what he was going to happen was he going to die live or who knows  .But now I know he  did it for the memories I guess getting those memoriesmeant everything to Thomas because how else would he know who he really is ,don’t forget when you arrive in the glade you don’t know anything not even your name you don’t know what and where you are . I chose this part of the book because the author left you hanging like you didn’t  know what’s about to happen there could be millions ways the book could end personally I think that Thomas well eventually escape but don’t get more wrong the author did a great job of writing that page thumbs up to the author  ,also one of the weirdest memory Thomas had was when he had worked for the wicked “the creators of the maze “ , when Thomas came to the maze it was like 1/1000 of actually getting out of the maze but when he chose to risk his own life just to get back those memory’s  the chances increased a lot higher  because now they know who they are up against and where to go and stuff in conclusion I chose this passage because the author wrote this passage so great that it was like anything could happen to be honest the author left me hanging  .