Fever Crumb wild card post

I really like this following passage…… I like this passage because…..

“Plastic tubes led from his veins, pumping out blood, pumping in chemicals. The robed assistants were busy fitting clumsy-looking metal hands to the armor that encased his arms. His real hands, discarded, stuck out of a soggy basket on the deck, looking pale and stupid and unreal.”

This passage made me cringe. I liked it a lot though, the words the author used. The way it was stated, made it feel more realistic than just a couple of sentences in a book. I had to stop and re-read the passage. It made me feel bad for the character that this happened to. But it also brought more life into the book. It made it a bit more interesting. And if this is the direction the book is heading than I am excited to read more of it.

I also liked this passage because it’s something about the book I will remember. When I finish the book and someone asks how it was, I will remember that part because it stood out for me. I’m disappointed that this passage came at the end of the book. I wish the whole was filled with passages like this. Hopefully you like this passage just as much as I do.
