Occo attacks again. The city is trembling in fear. They all wonder who is Occo? What does he want? People running, around the city, trying to get away from the creep. Everyone keeps their children close, running to find shelter, trying to get away from this weird monster attacking the city. Attacking a boy. Hap. Umber and Oates trying to free hap. But the monster, is too dangerous. What will happen next?

This is what I predict. I think that the story books of umber, needs to be a little more intriguing. That’s why I think that Occo will attack Hap again. But why would he attack? Well, my theory is that Occo would attack because the first time, he tried to attack Hap, he got saved by Oates, but the next time he might not be as lucky. I think that Occo is attacking Hap, for one main reason, my reason is that Occo and Hap might be from the same place? Maybe earth? Since this story takes place in another world. Hap and Occo have those green, eyes that are nocturnal. Nobody else seems to have them. Does this mean that they are from the same place? Maybe. When Occo was following Hap and Umber in that boat, it was pitch black, a normal person would have got lost at sea, easily but not Occo he followed that boat till it reached shore. Occo wouldn’t just attack hap, he should have a reason. In the book it said that Hap existed in an ancient law. I think that this might mean something. When Occo first planned the attack, he probably knew that Umber wouldn’t give Hap up so easily. That’s why he planned the attack. In our last section Umber got captured by Occo, maybe he is using Umber to get to Hp. Occo seems so eager to have Hap with him.

My other prediction is that, Umber will go to a different place, and he will have war with them. Why do I think this? I think this because on the cover of the next book. The dragon games, it shows someone on a horse holding a spear, type weapon. I also think that the creators are dragons, since it says dragon in the tittle. In the picture of the front title the dragon’s eyes are blue. This might have some symbolism. This looks like it might be some kind of big war, because if you see in the background there is some kind of big long wall that is brown. I think that this book will be really exciting