Month: March 2015 (Page 3 of 5)

Weaving Project

My weaving project

  What I liked and disliked About this weaving project is:

Liked: What I liked about this project Is that It was complicated and fun at the same time And we got to go to a garden and get 2 Invasive Species of plants for the project The Ivy and willow we used and we made a lot of cool stuff with all of the stuff Like Springs and small chains made of willow and Ivy.

Disliked: What I disliked about this project Is that It takes a little to long to put all the stuff together so we used a lot of the willow and ivy to make one small thing so we had to visit the garden a few times and at the 2nd one there was probably not a lot of willow and ivy left for the whole class to use. Another thing I disliked was how a lot of it broke really easy like one small crack you make It all falls apart and you have to restart the whole thing unless you use a lot of ivy on It which I don`t do because it is sort of wasteful to use a lot of Ivy on one piece of art that will just be shown at a art gallery or around the school.

Cover Prediction

It’s going to be hard to not give spoilers because I’ve read a lot before and I remember the major parts of the story. I’ll try to make this purely on the cover:

I think that the man on the cover is really old and that he is the giver for a few reasons. One is that he is wrinkly and has grey hair. I’m pretty sure no sane person would die their hair grey (I thought wanted to look younger). The wrinkles is probably not from being in the bath tub for too long, but who knows. The old man has pale eyes (hint for later chapters) and I’m just guessing so I think that since he’s under the title, he might be the Giver. Since I can’t give evidence from the text it’s all just a wild guess. I think that the man lives in the forest. We’ll just have to wait and find out.

Match makers

Im ok with being matched

Because If u get matched U will have a lot In common with ur partner so u wont get In fights Because u can have everything In the same way because u have a lot of the same Interests. The reasons I wont want to be matched Is because I wont have the freedom of choice U get your partner chosen from other people.

what im liking about weaving

I enjoyed walking to Shona’s house and getting to pick the ivy ourselves because I feel like its a good experience for us to have picking our own art supplies instead of buying supplies that are really boring and we’ve used before. I think weaving is something a bit more different especially because you only need a few supplies and its something you can do to pass time and in the end you made a decoration piece .

What I find challenging about weaving is that when you want to weave something sometimes its hard to wind the willow because most of the time it would crack every time I tried to make it into a circle shape.

Overall I think weaving is really fun to do and it’s an awesome thing to do for art . With it you can make coasters, hats, baskets and more, I think weaving is great for teaching about nature and the wonderful things you can do with it.

What I’m liking about weaving…

Ever since I’ve started weaving I’ve had many thoughts on how I’ve liked and disliked it. (What I found challenging)

First off, I’d like to say that you can weave anything your mind thinks of! There’s so many possibilities that you have. You can make a bracelet, basket, hat so and much more. When Sharon Kallis came to visit us, she showed us some of the things she made! I’m not sure how long it took her to make this, but she made a boat!

I like that you have so much freedom when you weave. When I was weaving I decided to make lots of circles, big ones and small ones. After, I bonded them together to make big circle. It took hard work but it looks great!

Something that I found challenging is that sometimes when you’re weaving with willow it tends to snap when you’re binding something. That’s why it’s important to choose willow that is easy to bend. Another problem is that if you leave your materials (willow and ivy) without water it can shrivel up and dry. On the other hand, if you put too much water your willow will grow little white roots! (this happened to me before!)

Last thing I’d like to say is that weaving is really fun! I had fun making things and I felt really happy when I completed something.

what i like/dislike about weaving

I like the weaving project very much because it has no right or wrong to what we do and I like that because no one can tell me that ”no you cant do this that’s wrong”   I would like it if we did more projects like that. there wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about the weaving because it is fun and I like sitting around weaving and just talking to my friends its like free time but more productive than free time because you actually get stuff done instead of just doing nothing please have more projects like this in the future

How I feel about weaving.

I like easing into the day and not having to start math as soon as I walk in the room.  So weaving lets me start to think about my day a little more. But most of the time my weaving turns out differently than I would have liked. But that is just my perfectionist side coming out. The only things that annoys me is that, the willow will break or the ivy gets to dry. Which doesn’t help when I am using it for binder. I think seeing all of our pieces put together will be worth the while in the end. And I would much rather be doing this than painting or drawing. So overall I don’t mind weaving and I think its a good way to start off the day.



Weaving + The Y.P.C SAM2

When you think about weaving and SAM2 what do you think? Well i think that they have a connection, for example reusing. All sort of people all around the world reuses materials, like SAM2 and weaving. For weaving you reuse some unwanted plants in someone’s garden and get those unwanted plants and weave with them and make a wonderful piece of art, SAM2 reuses all sort of materials for example a piece of metal, a tube that attaches to a boat, and a thrown away wood planks. SAM2 makes all sort of materials using reusable stuff and that was Waving + SAM2 thinking.

What I’m Liking About Weaving!

The weaving project we are doing is actually pretty fun. I never expected it to be like this. When we weave every morning and sometimes in our free time, it’s really fun because we get to talk, and listen to Ms.Lanaway read some books, its like a big circle of art and socializing.

Weaving is also really fun because the materials that we are using are easier and more interesting because they are tree branches and invasive plants. It’s more intriguing if we get to use stuff like that.

The part in weaving that I find interesting is that so many people in our class have never heard of weaving and never done it before and now we are all pretty good at it. We’ve even created something cool of our own. It’s also amazing that there are so many people who’ve done amazing projects and it’s just fantastic.

A part in our weaving project that I don’t like is how some of us are constantly having to change our plans on what we’re creating because the willow is either too dry or the ivy is ripping when we bind it and (Ugh the worst part) it falls apart. We are constantly having these bumps in the road and it’s very frustrating but we always find a different way to make our plan work or we change our plan and continue on.

Lastly, the hardest part is bending the willow. We always have to bend the willow before we do anything with it because if we don’t it’ll break. It’s just kind of hard.

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