The main thing weaving and SAM2 have in common is that they both use natural resources.

First, they are both using resources that would eventually not have use. SAM2 collected things from construction sites and other places. For example, they used construction materials to make drums. They used stuff like dishwasher pipes to also make their own instruments. By doing this it is helping the environment by not wasting resources.

For weaving, you are using plants to make loops and other stuff. Like SAM2, we collected stuff other people were not really using. We went to a garden and collected ivy. Then, we used the ivy along with willow. Like SAM2 it helps the environment because these things wouldn’t really get used.

In conclusion, we are saving resources by doing this. It would originally take wood and other materials to make these stuff, but we don’t really need it by using unwanted materials. It saves natural resources.