Recently, we went to our very last Young People’s Concert and this group of drummers called “Sam2” performed. But they weren’t any ordinary drummers, they made they’re own instruments and drums out of recycled materials and unwanted junk. It’s called scrap instruments.

In our class, our art and H.A.C.E. project is weaving. It relates to “Sam2” because we are weaving with natural material’s and unwanted invasive plants. We are using old willow tree branches and ivy fro binding and tying it together.

These projects are both very interesting and they actually relate to each other in quite a few ways. “Sam2” uses recycled materials and in a way we are too. “Sam2” are very amazing at what they do, and in my opinion so are the people in our class. I know “Sam2” have been doing they’re project so much longer than our class has, but we are both good with what we are doing.

“Sam2” told us that they’ve all been drumming since they were younger. Now that we know that they’ve all been drumming for a while, it makes some of us more intrigued in other activities like the weaving because we are doing something so little now, and then it can turn into something amazing.