Some similarities I have noticed are that we all used unwanted items! Green ivy is what we used grows is an invasive specie meaning that it’s not supposed to grow here, but in other country’s. SAM2 also used unwanted items. They used items like pipes from boats, sheet metal etc. They used their materials for musical instruments like drums, xylophones and more. We made art with the ivy and made cool things like wreaths, eyes, nets and more.

Some other similarities are that we all had challenges. For when we weaved, the challenge I had was that the green ivy would break or dry out and I couldn’t use it, or that my piece would  start to fall apart. SAM2 must had  troubles too like something falling out like a screw, or having the wrong measurements like the sheet metal being cut to small or too big, or the screws didn’t fit the indicated slots. We all had challenges.