Our class weaving project and the “SAM2” performance are actually very similar. I know you’re thinking, “Weaving is a hobby. How is that like a performance?” Well it is. They are two different things with similar attributes. Weaving uses plants you can almost find anywhere. Old broken branches can be turned into art! This is the same as the SAM2 show. They get sheets of metal and construction worksite scraps and make them into music. People would have thrown out the dead plants and un-useful branches. People would have trashed the old sheet metal and discarded the odd pieces of wood. But instead we have turned these things into useful items! And I think they are both equally contributing to the community. And they are doing what they love. One making art, the other making sound. Out of things that we would never have thought of. So even though they both are doing completely different things. They both have changed a bit of the community. And hopefully people can learn to love their creativity and try it themselves.

