Day: 26 March 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

Weaving and the Y.P.C

What do I think the Sam2 Concert and our weaving project have in common and their similarities? I think one of the things these events have in common are that they both use things that are not really used. Sam2 uses things from the dump and they make instruments like drums, xylophones, also they had these balloon things that if you pressed on it would make and high squeaky sound and in our weaving project we are taking plants like ivy and willow and making our own things like circles or crowns. Another thing these events have in common is that you can be creative and you can use your imagination to make things that nobody would expect that you could make things with material like scrap or plants. For example in the Sam2 Concert they made these instruments that were made out of coke cans and when you spun them around they would make an unusual sound and in our weaving project I made something that was like a chain made from willow and I can still add more things on it. These things have a lot of things in common and it was really fun to get to see Sam2 and do our weaving project.

Weaving + YPC

The main thing weaving and SAM2 have in common is that they both use natural resources.

First, they are both using resources that would eventually not have use. SAM2 collected things from construction sites and other places. For example, they used construction materials to make drums. They used stuff like dishwasher pipes to also make their own instruments. By doing this it is helping the environment by not wasting resources.

For weaving, you are using plants to make loops and other stuff. Like SAM2, we collected stuff other people were not really using. We went to a garden and collected ivy. Then, we used the ivy along with willow. Like SAM2 it helps the environment because these things wouldn’t really get used.

In conclusion, we are saving resources by doing this. It would originally take wood and other materials to make these stuff, but we don’t really need it by using unwanted materials. It saves natural resources.

Weaving and the YPC

Some similarities I have noticed are that we all used unwanted items! Green ivy is what we used grows is an invasive specie meaning that it’s not supposed to grow here, but in other country’s. SAM2 also used unwanted items. They used items like pipes from boats, sheet metal etc. They used their materials for musical instruments like drums, xylophones and more. We made art with the ivy and made cool things like wreaths, eyes, nets and more.

Some other similarities are that we all had challenges. For when we weaved, the challenge I had was that the green ivy would break or dry out and I couldn’t use it, or that my piece would  start to fall apart. SAM2 must had  troubles too like something falling out like a screw, or having the wrong measurements like the sheet metal being cut to small or too big, or the screws didn’t fit the indicated slots. We all had challenges.



SAM2 and Weaving! Similar???

Our class weaving project and the “SAM2” performance are actually very similar. I know you’re thinking, “Weaving is a hobby. How is that like a performance?” Well it is. They are two different things with similar attributes. Weaving uses plants you can almost find anywhere. Old broken branches can be turned into art! This is the same as the SAM2 show. They get sheets of metal and construction worksite scraps and make them into music. People would have thrown out the dead plants and un-useful branches. People would have trashed the old sheet metal and discarded the odd pieces of wood. But instead we have turned these things into useful items! And I think they are both equally contributing to the community. And they are doing what they love. One making art, the other making sound. Out of things that we would never have thought of. So even though they both are doing completely different things. They both have changed a bit of the community. And hopefully people can learn to love their creativity and try it themselves.



Weaving and Y.P.C Sam2

Weaving and the sam2 they use scraps that aren’t usually used for playing music like sam2 used stuff from boats and from junkyards.
The weaving we use different stuff for holding stuff together like ivy, English ivy but we aren’t use English ivy for the willow that we are using. Sam2 and the weaving the both use stuff that aren’t regularly used for stuff like weaving and stuff for music.Sam2 they use stuff like pot bottoms scraps from boats bike like with the pop cans and the things like the balloons and the tube I look like a bag pipes


We are recycling unused and unwanted parts. And nobody wants these parts, its just like saying “one mans junk is another mans treasure”. We are using junk to create something awesome. for example you have a tire and a some metal pipes. Hang the tire from a tree and start whacking it. there you go you have a really neat sound. same goes with ivy and willow. We take these two unused and unwanted parts and make something awesome.

Weaving + The Recent YPC

Recently, we went to our very last Young People’s Concert and this group of drummers called “Sam2” performed. But they weren’t any ordinary drummers, they made they’re own instruments and drums out of recycled materials and unwanted junk. It’s called scrap instruments.

In our class, our art and H.A.C.E. project is weaving. It relates to “Sam2” because we are weaving with natural material’s and unwanted invasive plants. We are using old willow tree branches and ivy fro binding and tying it together.

These projects are both very interesting and they actually relate to each other in quite a few ways. “Sam2” uses recycled materials and in a way we are too. “Sam2” are very amazing at what they do, and in my opinion so are the people in our class. I know “Sam2” have been doing they’re project so much longer than our class has, but we are both good with what we are doing.

“Sam2” told us that they’ve all been drumming since they were younger. Now that we know that they’ve all been drumming for a while, it makes some of us more intrigued in other activities like the weaving because we are doing something so little now, and then it can turn into something amazing.

weaving + ypc

What’s similar between “Sam2” and our weaving project is we all use unique items. “Sam2” would use scrap pieces of metal, wood, and pipes to make musical instruments. As for us we use ivy and willow to make beautiful pieces that can be used as decorations. What’s also similar is that we get to make them ourselves, people would go out and buy their drums but “Sam2” used their imagination and made unique musical instruments that sound cool also.

Both of the projects use stuff you can find outside. You  can pick ivy and willow and lots of things to weave in your garden or while your walking outside. You can see scrap material that no one wants anymore and you can make something that you can have lots of fun with. Overall our weaving project and “Sam2” have alloy of things in common.

Weaving and YPC

    1.  The sam2YPC concert, they use scrapped items from junk-yards , peoples houses, old tin cans, etc…. to make instruments. And they’re similar to weaving because for e.g. a shoe is made out of rubber instead of using rubber we can use willow which is more effective and environment.

2. The weaving project is a bit challenging because u have to bind willow together without snapping or falling a part to, but when we got the ivy it helped a bit and its a great binding tool to :D-(–= 


Weaving and the YPC

The similarities between our weaving project and “Sam2” are that we both reuse items that people just throw away and think are useless. “Sam 2” used a lot of scrap metal to build drums/instruments. They used something that was so called “junk”, and made it have another purpose. They brought the item back to life! For out project we used willow and green ivy to basically make anything we wanted to, but only with those two items. We had to be creative and all of us ended up making something that was really unique and different . we reused “branches”, to make a cool weaving project. For both “Sam2” and our project, we both ended up making something really cool out of unwanted items. I never would have thought about using scrap metal to make instruments or use “branches” to make art.

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