Day: 21 March 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

Weaving and the Y.P.C

What do you think the Sam2 concert and our weaving project have in common? Well, they both come from unwanted materials! Sam2 used unwanted parts from the dump. They used those parts to make instruments! When we weaved we used unwanted plants. These plants are called ” invasive species “. An invasive invasive species is is a plant that came from another country and through time, it begins to grow somewhere else. An example of an invasive species is ivy, we used ivy to bind the willow together. We don’t want these plants because they kill other plants that we need. Another thing they have in common is that they both use these materials to make something new and useful! Sam2 made some great sounding instruments, one was made only from rubber! With weaving you can make all sorts of creations! From baskets to hat you can make all sorts of things, big or small.

What I Like/Dislike About Weaving

A thing I like about weaving (and I’m going to be honest here) is that it wastes the first twenty or thirty minutes of the day. By waste I don’t mean weaving is a total waste effort in making something cool. I mean that we have 20 minutes gone from the day and no work (like language arts) in that time period. To me, I’d rather spend the first half and hour of the day weaving then jumping straight into language arts. Why? Well, I’m usually very tired in the morning and I’d just rather not have to get working right away. So that’s what I like about weaving.

What I dislike is that we have to clean up off the ground. I’d rather spare myself from the cleanup. That’s just me, I hate cleaning up. Another thing I dislike is the challenges you’re facing when weaving. Like when the ivy is dried up and it breaks. When I don’t have a good strong piece and it breaks my whole creation and I have to start over, knowing it won’t look the same and as cool. Another challenge I am constantly facing is that the ivy is not that thick and it just doesn’t tie properly. Something I absolutely hate is the fact that when I try making something it just undoes itself. I guess maybe that’s my fault for tying properly but it’s annoying.

Overall weaving is okay because it wakes me up slowly and it’s easier for me to focus as the day goes on.

What iam liking about weaving

The thing I am really liking about weaving is that the fact that no one can judge you on what you  are weaving  there is no right or wrong ,you can make just about anything with these  marvellous plants  for example you can make a rainbow ,trumpet ,triangle,circles the line goes on forever .I also really like how we are using mother natures invasive plants in a way we are helping our community  and clearing out Shona’s garden  . I am really having trouble deciding what to make every morning.I learned that you can make just about anything thing with your plants thanks to Sharon callas .

What i’m liking about weaving!

The thing i’m liking about weaving and enjoying  is that you just try to work with it and nobody judges in your work because anything you make is a piece of art! Weaving gives the plant like Canadian ivy that is not suppose to be in this certain place then a weaver goes to that place and get those ivy’s and bind the art pieces to connect to each other. You could make all sort of things, for example a basket, hat, and shoe’s. When you weave you could reuse the plants that are not suppose to be in that place and use it for a wonderful piece of art. Anybody could weave when they want to just get the materials from stores or in your own garden, there is tons of places where you could get these materials. JUST think about those art pieces that we can  make and have fun. That’s why i like weaving and that’s why i enjoy it!

Weaving Project

My weaving project

  What I liked and disliked About this weaving project is:

Liked: What I liked about this project Is that It was complicated and fun at the same time And we got to go to a garden and get 2 Invasive Species of plants for the project The Ivy and willow we used and we made a lot of cool stuff with all of the stuff Like Springs and small chains made of willow and Ivy.

Disliked: What I disliked about this project Is that It takes a little to long to put all the stuff together so we used a lot of the willow and ivy to make one small thing so we had to visit the garden a few times and at the 2nd one there was probably not a lot of willow and ivy left for the whole class to use. Another thing I disliked was how a lot of it broke really easy like one small crack you make It all falls apart and you have to restart the whole thing unless you use a lot of ivy on It which I don`t do because it is sort of wasteful to use a lot of Ivy on one piece of art that will just be shown at a art gallery or around the school.

Cover Prediction

It’s going to be hard to not give spoilers because I’ve read a lot before and I remember the major parts of the story. I’ll try to make this purely on the cover:

I think that the man on the cover is really old and that he is the giver for a few reasons. One is that he is wrinkly and has grey hair. I’m pretty sure no sane person would die their hair grey (I thought wanted to look younger). The wrinkles is probably not from being in the bath tub for too long, but who knows. The old man has pale eyes (hint for later chapters) and I’m just guessing so I think that since he’s under the title, he might be the Giver. Since I can’t give evidence from the text it’s all just a wild guess. I think that the man lives in the forest. We’ll just have to wait and find out.

Match makers

Im ok with being matched

Because If u get matched U will have a lot In common with ur partner so u wont get In fights Because u can have everything In the same way because u have a lot of the same Interests. The reasons I wont want to be matched Is because I wont have the freedom of choice U get your partner chosen from other people.

what im liking about weaving

I enjoyed walking to Shona’s house and getting to pick the ivy ourselves because I feel like its a good experience for us to have picking our own art supplies instead of buying supplies that are really boring and we’ve used before. I think weaving is something a bit more different especially because you only need a few supplies and its something you can do to pass time and in the end you made a decoration piece .

What I find challenging about weaving is that when you want to weave something sometimes its hard to wind the willow because most of the time it would crack every time I tried to make it into a circle shape.

Overall I think weaving is really fun to do and it’s an awesome thing to do for art . With it you can make coasters, hats, baskets and more, I think weaving is great for teaching about nature and the wonderful things you can do with it.

What I’m liking about weaving…

Ever since I’ve started weaving I’ve had many thoughts on how I’ve liked and disliked it. (What I found challenging)

First off, I’d like to say that you can weave anything your mind thinks of! There’s so many possibilities that you have. You can make a bracelet, basket, hat so and much more. When Sharon Kallis came to visit us, she showed us some of the things she made! I’m not sure how long it took her to make this, but she made a boat!

I like that you have so much freedom when you weave. When I was weaving I decided to make lots of circles, big ones and small ones. After, I bonded them together to make big circle. It took hard work but it looks great!

Something that I found challenging is that sometimes when you’re weaving with willow it tends to snap when you’re binding something. That’s why it’s important to choose willow that is easy to bend. Another problem is that if you leave your materials (willow and ivy) without water it can shrivel up and dry. On the other hand, if you put too much water your willow will grow little white roots! (this happened to me before!)

Last thing I’d like to say is that weaving is really fun! I had fun making things and I felt really happy when I completed something.

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