What I’m liking about the weaving project is the creativity part of it. It’s so much fun just to see what you have created with unwanted things. It’s cool how you can use unwanted into abstract and items. I also like is coming up with an idea for my art piece like and eye or a fish or a tower. I like working with my friends with a piece and to join our ideas for one piece and to disagree and agree with an idea. When we finished the planning, we finished our planning, we would assign our jobs for the piece and join our assigned pieces and join them together.

What I don’t like about weaving is that when you try to tie something with the green ivy, it breaks and everything falls apart. It gets frustrating because I worked so hard and it all goes to waste. What I also don’t like is that the green ivy doesn’t tie! When I try to knot something together, it just falls apart or it strips and the main part of the ivy is gone. The last thing I don’t like is the willow is hard to break into small pieces. When I try to tear a piece off, the whole main piece goes with it. Sometimes I just leave the willow and continue other pieces.