Why do you think “LOVE” has become obsolete?

I think “LOVE” has become obsolete because it would’ve made everything in the community go out of order. I think this because in the book they have to apply for a spouse and they get matched up by the committee of elders. But if the love someone else it would never work out with their matched partner no matter how perfect of a match they are.

I also think “LOVE” would mess up the community because if two people are in love and they skip their jobs to be together, the person who skipped their job would have to be released, and the other person couldn’t live and go on with their life knowing that their loved one was released. So obviously they would want to join them, and that would cause havoc and chaos in the community with two people gone and not having a certain job done by a certain person.

And my last reason why I think that “LOVE” would be a huge mess is because of reality. If this community was actually like real life, the committee letting people love whoever they want and be with whoever they want, reality would catch up to them at some point, and they could stop loving each other like they used to. And the committee may have changed some things to let them be together but who says they still don’t want a perfect world?

So my final point is that ‘LOVE=CHAOS+HAVOC’ but my other point is that ‘LOVE=JOY+HAPPINESS’

 What do you think “LOVE” means to this community?

I think that love may mean no equality or sameness. And that’s why the committee of elders took the word ‘LOVE’ and made it obsolete. I think this because if you have a sibling and your parents say they “love you equally” you and your sibling are probably going to have an argument about your parents loving one of you better. And that would create chaos. And in this community, the committee of elders want a utopian society and they’ll do anything to have that. Even if that means they have to take one of the amazing emotions known as LOVE.