Why do think “love” is obsolete?

I think love is obsolete because if I apply for a wife but love someone else, that screws with the system and we have a divorce. If everyone starts following their hearts than its chaos. That’s why we can’t follow our hearts.

The community elders want everything strictly regulated and if someone decides to stop taking the pills for stirrings then love will be unleashed. I think the pills are stopping more than just the stirrings. I think its stopping emotions; love, anger, hatred, etc. I think this because your first crush comes naturally at your own age. Like Asher started taking his pills at a younger age than Jonas. It even said that Asher had a crush on Fiona. Taking what we know, the pills have got to be the reason no one has had girlfriend, or a second crush, because the pills are a drug that is devouring your emotions.

What does love mean to this community?

I think love is meaningless to them. To the whole community (except for Jonas and the Giver). When Jonas asked his father if he loved him, the answer was pretty much “no”. The word “love” is old fashion. They don’t know “true love” or the love for your family. Even the way you “love” a friend. They don’t know the different types of love. Whether it’s with your wife, parents, friend. The community doesn’t know the phrase “love you as a friend” or “goodnight mom, love you” or even “love you”. Yeah, it’s confusing, but this community has no feeling of love.